What inspired you to get into events?

I started in events as a cricket coordinator at the Oval cricket ground. One day I remember very clearly I was watching the match and saw how everything runs smoothly and I realised- this is what I want to do- organise events. I was very proud as everything was running so well that day and I knew this is it; I knew I want to be the one who makes sure all is organised and runs perfectly.

What are 5 things on your bucket list?

I don’t have bucket list. I do however every year set some goals I would like to achieve

Would you be willing to eat an entire bowl of live crickets for £40,000?

Yeah I think I could give it a try as I am pretty strong willed.

If money wasn’t a factor, how would you spend the rest of your life?

On a beach and occasionally fly to places I like (Singapore, Stockholm, New York etc).

Who is your hero?

My dad, he is no longer with us but I always look up to his way of thinking.

What social issue is important to you?

I think the issue of money- how it runs the whole world and how many people die because of greediness.

Trump? Brexit?

Oh I think Brexit is overrated and so is Trump haha.

What cheers you up?

My dog- she is hilariously funny!

What is the last item you purchased?

Dog treats =)

What do you want to get better at?

I wanted to become a professional fitness athlete and it finally happened on 7.10.18. Now I need to become better in gymnastics as it’s part of what I do for fitness category so I am working towards being more flexible etc.

What is your biggest fear?

Failing in my life

If you could be any character from a film, who would you be?

Probably wonder woman or Mrs Incredible

What is your favourite song?

You are going to laugh now but its actually Kanye West- Gold digger- it makes me smile!

If you could have one super power what would it be?


Name something you would like to change about the events industry?

Venues’ response times

Name one of your most embarrassing moments?

Forgetting my wallet at home when getting a petrol for my car

What is your life motto?

Everything happens for reason

Do you have any hidden talents?

I used to play ice hockey for my home country Slovakia so I am pretty good in skating

Name your 3 favourite restaurants?

Gaucho, STK and Nando’s

Name the greatest event you have ever been to?

Probably a concert of Roxy Music and in corporate world it would be one of MIA awards evenings

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