Chris Parnham and Angie Mason launch Meeting Allstars

Chris Parnham and Angie Mason are set to shake up the meeting and events industry with the launch of Meeting Allstars.

Meeting Allstars is a transformative new way of working for UK event professionals which enables individuals to become their own boss while trading under a larger, established name. Meeting Allstars, a limited company, gives its associates and partners the procedural standards, commercial protocols and software to do business. Allstars will also have access to coaching, support and personal development from Chris and Angie, the highly experienced team behind Absolute Corporate Events.

Meeting Allstars has been developed over the last 10-months and has been created to safeguard the skills, creativity and relationships held by many MICE professionals who’ve been displaced from the industry in the current climate.

The timely development of the proposition has been designed to welcome individuals and small companies by allowing them to become either an Associate or Partner. Associate Allstars will be employed on a flexible contract with a base salary and performance bonus scheme and will have access to a suite of essential business tools to help manage client enquiries, destination research, and venue sourcing through to contracting. For more established entrepreneurs, Partner status is designed for the self-employed who are set up as a limited company. Partners also benefit from the same essential business tools package but have responsibility for their own income management.

Chris Parnham, Owner and co-founder of Meeting Allstars and Owner of Absolute Corporate Events and Absolute Digital Communications, says: “The world of live events came to an unexpected and tumultuous halt 12 months ago due to the global pandemic and hundreds of event professionals have found themselves furloughed or out of work. It is this unfortunate situation and our desire to create an opportunity for those so desperately looking for one that led to the creation of Meeting Allstars. The premise behind which is to create a community of event planners, united by the common goal of delivering a personalised and dedicated service to clients requiring global venue sourcing.

“Live events will return, and clients will soon need to start sourcing venues, but they will likely find that many of their long-standing relationships will have been affected by furlough or redundancies. As part of Meeting Allstars, anyone who has experience of global venue sourcing and has client relationships that need attention can join the company, whilst retaining ownership for their clients, their delivery and their future career path. They won’t just be employees, they will be entrepreneurs, engaged at an Associate or Partner level.

“I am so excited to build this new community and audience, focused on making the best from the recovery of our industry. It is so important to us that each of our entrepreneurs will have ownership of their own destiny but will be comfortable in the security of a strong and credible company.”

Meeting Allstars will consolidate an enormous pool of talent to create one of the most highly skilled and experienced event agencies, as well as creating new personal opportunities for individuals or small operators through the initiative’s progressive business model. The company will be promoted through various marketing initiatives and outreach to the corporate market as an agency that  encourages and rewards entrepreneurship, local best in show talent and creativity.